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6 Things To Do On A Plane

I'd like to think that most people know these due to that little thing called common sense, but many who rarely fly may not think about it, so here ya go!

1. Do keep your shoes on. Being barefoot is dirty and secondly other passengers do not want to see, smell or potentially come in contact with them.

2. Air vents- use them. Aiming the vent on your face is the quickest way to dry your eyes and skin out, but if you aim it towards your lap it will help circumvent that. As an added benefit, that will also blow the air (and the germs in it) away from you.

3. Sanitizing wipes are your best friend. Use them to clean your hands, the seat trays and arm rests. The seat trays and arm rests aren't wiped down after each flight so there is no telling how many germs are on them!

4. Not a chatty person? Put headphones in as soon as you sit down. Just make sure to take them out during the safety demonstration, even if you know the drill, be polite.

5. Know where you're sitting and find the life vest. It sounds obvious, but if something happens then you are one step ahead.

6. Layers! Use your jacket as a pillow and scarf to cover your eyes if you don't have an eye mask. Even if you've packed for the forecast of your destination, you never know what you're gonna walk into once you get there and planes are typically cold anyways.


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